Our daily work: |
1. |
Once receiving your order, Ms
Teresa will type in computer and print purchase order in both Chinese
& English. She will make sure no mistake will be made. |
2. |
With purchase order on hand, Farm manager
Raymond will check if any items are not available in our farm and will
order from local breeders immediately. |
3. |
Teresa will then fax you back our
Proforma invoice as of which item can or cannot be delivered shipping
details, certificates & charges. |
4. |
Each fish house (warm water fish house, cold
water fish house & Neon fish house) has its own order and work on
different part of your order. Items you ordered will then be counted &
separated. Most important of all, is to make sure fish are healthy and in
good shape. |
5. |
Our drivers will also receive order to
pickup the rest of your order from our local breeders. Any unqualified
quality will be returned to the breeders next day with a official
remainders. |